The Phases of Labor: Are You Labor-Ready?
The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult your doctor for the most appropriate treatment.

While it’s not called “labor” for nothing—the final phase definitely involves some work—the phases of labor are really about the cervix getting ready for delivery, a process that begins before most women even feel it.
Phase 1: Early (or Latent) Labor
Cervix diameter: from 0 to 4 centimeters
Duration: several hours to several weeks
In this phase, your cervix will start to thin and dilate. If you don’t feel contractions, you might not know labor has begun.
What’s Happening:
- Mild to moderate contractions lasting 30 to 45 seconds, at regular or irregular intervals.
- Contractions may not be noticeable until the final 2 to 6 hours.
- Possible amniotic sac rupture.
How to Deal:
- Feeling excited, anxious or relieved? Try to relax.
- If you feel contractions, note when they happen and how far apart they occur.
- If your water breaks, note the time and the appearance of the fluid.
- Engage your support person to be sure you have what you need.
Phase 2: Active Labor
Cervix diameter: from 6 to 10 centimeters
Duration: a few hours
Things are getting interesting. At this point, you’re usually in the hospital or birthing center, or at home with your doula if you’ve opted for a home birth.
What’s Happening:
- Contractions intensify, last 60 to 90 seconds, and happen every 2 to 4 minutes.
- Amniotic sac rupture—either naturally or manually.
- Possible backache, fatigue and menstrual-like cramping.
How to Deal:
- Ask for what you need from your support people.
- Start breathing exercises.
- If your OB allows it, keep moving. It can help ease the pain of contractions.
- If it’s working, keep up the rhythmic breathing.
Phase 3: Pushing 
Cervix diameter: 10 centimeters
Duration: 1 to 3 hours on average
This is the most challenging part, but also the most rewarding.
What’s Happening:
- Forceful contractions lasting 45 to 90 seconds that may or may not come with a strong urge to push.
- Increased pressure in perineum, rectum and lower back.
- Possible exhaustion or renewed sense of energy.
- Stretching or burning sensation.
How to Deal:
- Experiment with different positions to find the one most comfortable for you.
- Keep that chin down and back rounded. It helps your abdominal muscles push your baby down the birth canal.
- Listen to your doctor. Sometimes it’s important NOT to push. Relax your neck, shoulders and legs and try to pant through your contractions.
- Keep up your rhythmic breathing exercises.
- Grunt, groan and yell if you need to! You’re delivering a baby, for crying out loud. Let it OUT.
Phase 4: Delivering the Placenta
Your baby’s here! While it feels like you’re done with labor, there’s still one more phase to go.
Duration: 30 minutes
What’s Happening:
- Mild contractions that last about a minute each.
- A possible IV or injection of oxytocin to help encourage contractions.
- Kneading and pressing on your uterus by your healthcare provider, who may ask you to help push.
- Hunger and thirst, if it was a long labor.
- Lots of emotions, from elation to relief.
How to Deal:
- Focus on bonding with your new bundle of joy.
- Enjoy a special moment with your partner or support person.
- Savor your sense of accomplishment—you just delivered a BABY!
Just like babies, no two labor experiences are the same. While you can’t predict how it will go, a birth plan can help you prepare for all the possibilities that might happen. It’s a beautiful and exciting day. Plan ahead.